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Computer Question Bank
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Which technology is more reliable?
  1. Mechanical
  2. Electro-Mechanical
  3. Electronic
  4. For reliability it does not matter. So all of above are reliable

Q2. Ms Excel:The numbers in our worksheet look like this: You want them to look like this: $1,000.How can you accomplish this?

  1. None of these
  2. Select Format > Money from the menu
  3. Click the Currency Style button on the formatting toolbar
  4. You have to retype everything and manually add the dollar signs, commas, and decimals.
Correct Answer

Q3. What was the nick name of the computer used by the Americans in 1952 for their H-bomb project?

  1. ENIAC
  2. EDSAC
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: Ctrl + W

  1. Save and Print the Document
  2. Save and Close Word Application
  3. Save and Close document
  4. Without Save, Close Document
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: Which of the following statements about calculated fields is NOT true?

  1. A calculated field does not store data in a recordset.
  2. Calculated fields use an expression or formula as its data sourc
  3. Data contained in a calculated field is created the first time a query is run.
  4. A calculated field can be created using the Expression Builder dialog box.
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: Which of the following is invalid field name?

  1. Student.Address
  2. Student\’sAddress
  3. Student_Address
  4. Student Address
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: If you need to edit a relationship

  1. Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship
  2. Double click the relationship line
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: Ctrl + M

  1. New Document
  2. Close Document
  3. Right Indent
  4. Left Indent
Correct Answer

Q9. Which computer was considered the first electronic computer until 1973 when court invalidated the patent?

  1. ENIAC
  2. MARK I
  3. Z3
  4. ABC
Correct Answer

Q10. QWERTY keyboard layout was originally designed

  1. To improve the typing speed
  2. To make typing more efficient
  3. To make typing harder and inefficient
  4. To improve the typing accuracy
Correct Answer

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